Asy-Syu'ara' is one of the surahs that has many active participle patterns, thus offering a unique opportunity to research variations in the use of active participles in different contexts and functions. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on the morphosyntactic analysis of active participles in surah Asy-Syu'ara'. In conducting research, the researcher used Ma'shum’s theory (n.d.) in classifying active participle patterns; Ryding's theory (2005) on the function (syntactic categories) of active participles in Arabic, and used Verhaar’s theory (1999) on syntactic functions. The results of this research reveal that there are 85 active participle data in surah Asy-Syu'ara'. All of these data come from triconsonantal verbs, including pattern I فَاعِل /fa:'il/, pattern IV مُفعِل /muf'il/, pattern VII مُنفَعِل /munfa'il/, pattern VIII مُفتَعِل /mufta'il/, and pattern X مُستَفعِل /mustaf'il/. Active participles in the noun category are the most frequently found in surah Asy-Syu'ara' compared to other categories. This research can serve as a foundation for further studies on active participles in Arabic and can be beneficial in the field of translation.
Keywords: Asy-Syu’ara', form, function, active participle, pattern.
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