Manuscript Template


(Article Title, Maximum 15 Words, Describes Substance Research that has been done, Garamond 13, Space 1, spacing after 3 pt)


First Author Name1) , Second Author Name2), Third Author Name3) (Garamond 11, Bold, space 1)

Affiliation (Study Program, Faculty, University) (Garamond 11, space 1)

E-mail: (Garamond 11, space 1, spacing after 6 pt)



Abstract (Garamond 11, Bold, space 1, spacing before 0 pt, after 3 pt)

Abstract contains a brief description of the problem (optional), the purpose of research, methods of research, results of the research (refer to the data collected in an attempt to answer the research question), the impact and the conclusion (summary of research findings). The pressure of writing abstracts primarily on the research results. Abstract written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Abstract typing is done with a single space with margins that are narrower than the right and left margins of the main text. Keywords need to be included to describe the realm of the problem under study and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the research. Keywords can be single words or compound words. The number of keywords is 3-5 words. These keywords are needed for computerization. Searching for research titles and abstracts is made easy with these keywords. The abstract is no more than 200 words long.

Keywords: content, format, article.



The introduction contains the purpose of the article/research formulated and presented with adequate background. The introduction should include the urgency of the study, supporting facts from previous studies, gap analysis, research status, novelty, and research objectives. Gap analysis means the gap found in previous studies, while the status of the study is the position of previous research, whether correcting, debating, or supporting. References must be taken from various reputable national and international scientific journals (indexed by SCOPUS, Web of Science, or SINTA) that are published no more than ten years from the submission of the article. The article length is 3,500 - 5,000 words, including all images, tables, nomenclature, references, etc.



This section explains how the research was carried out, including research designs, populations, and samples (research targets), data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. For qualitative research such as classroom action research, case studies, and so on, it is necessary to add the presence of researchers, research subjects, and informants who helped along with ways to explore research data, location, and duration of research as well as a description of checking the validity of research results.

The method used must be accompanied by a reference, relevant modifications must be explained. Data analysis procedures and techniques must be emphasized in the literature review article. The stages of the research must be clearly stated. The research method must be written in paragraph form.



The study results presented are important data obtained from data collection in the field (test results, questionnaires, interviews, documents, etc.). Research results can be supplemented by tables, figures, or graphs to clarify the results of the study. Avoid presenting similar data in separate tables. Tables, figures, and graphics must be commented on or discussed. All tables, figures, and graphics must be centered and numbered consecutively. For qualitative research, the results section contains detailed sections in the form of sub-topics that are directly related to the research focus and categories.

The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) show how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret research findings; (4) link research findings to established knowledge structures; and (5) bringing up new theories or modification of existing theories. This part of the discussion should contain the benefits of the research results, not the repetition results. The analysis must address the stated gap.

In answering the formulation of the problem and research questions, the results of the study must be concluded explicitly. Interpretation of findings is carried out using logic and existing theories. In the form of reality in the field, findings are integrated/linked with previous studies' results or existing theories. For this purpose, there must be a reference. In bringing up new theories, old theories can be confirmed or rejected, some may need to modify theories from old theories.


Tables, Images and Graphics

Place the title/label of the table above the table (center) and number it in the order of the table, while the title/label of the image and graphic are at the bottom of the picture/graphic. Write down specific tables/figures/graphics, for example, Table 1/figures 1/graph 1, when referring to a table/picture/graphic. Examples of writing tables, figures, and graphs are as follows:



The research conclusions are presented briefly, narratively, and conceptually that describe the research findings and their impact. Avoid using numbering and symbols (bullet and numbering).



Write down all references cited and actually written/quoted in the text from primary sources (80% taken from national and international reputable scientific journals indexed by SCOPUS, Web of Science, or SINTA, 20% of other supporting sources). The minimum number of references is 20 references. Writing a bibliography/reference using APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition using the application Mendeley. Examples of writing the following bibliography:


Scientific Journal Articles

Chassignol, M., Khoroshavin, A., Klimova, A., & Bilyatdinova, A. (2018). Artificial Intelligence trends in education: A narrative overview. Procedia Computer Science, 136, 16–24.

Chen, L., Chen, P., & Lin, Z. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review. IEEE Access, 8, 75264–75278.




Valanides, N. (2014). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. New York: Springer


Proceedings of the Seminar / Conference

Damayanti, D., & Nurgiyantoro, B. (2019, July). Carpon: Local Wisdom Integrated with Character Education for Primary Students. In 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018). Atlantis Press.



Latif, M. A. (2018). Analisis Tingkat Literasi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Garut (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia).